The Constitution of the United States
Executive Order 12333
CLPT Information Paper on 2008 Revision of Executive Order 12333
Chart of EO 12333 AG Approved Guidelines
Chart of PPD28 Procedures
Executive Order 13636 Privacy and Civil Liberties Assessment Report 2014
Civil Liberties and Privacy Intelligence Community Enterprise Strategy 2012-2017
Intelligence Community Directive 107: Civil Liberties and Privacy
Intelligence Community Legal Reference Book
Civil Liberties and Privacy Guidance for Intelligence Community Professionals: Properly Obtaining and Using Publicly Available Information
Principles of Professional Ethics for the Intelligence Community
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004
Public Law 108-458
Further Strengthening the Sharing of Terrorism Information to Protect Americans (Exec. Order No. 13388)
Pub. Law 95-511
National Security Act
Department of Justice Releases Documents on Pen Registers and Trap and Trace Applications to the FISC
Joint Statement by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Attorney General Eric Holder on the Declassification of Additional Documents Regarding Collection Under Section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
FISC Approves Government’s Request to Modify Telephony Metadata Program
DNI Clapper Declassifies Additional Documents Regarding Collection Under Section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Readout of the IC Leadership’s Meeting with the President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Approves Government’s Application to Renew Telephony Metadata Program
DNI Clapper Declassifies Additional Intelligence Community Documents Regarding Collection Under Section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
DNI Clapper Declassifies Additional Intelligence Community Documents Regarding Collection Under Section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Approves Government’s Application to Renew Telephony Metadata Program
DNI Clapper Declassifies Intelligence Community Documents Regarding Collection Under Section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
DNI Clapper Directs Annual Release of Information Related to Orders Issued Under National Security Authorities
Joint Statement: NSA and Office of the Director of National Intelligence
DNI Declassifies Intelligence Community Documents Regarding Collection Under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
The job of protecting security and privacy - ODNI's Alex Joel discusses his role as the Intelligence Community's Civil Liberties Protection Officer
DNI Clapper Announces Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies Monday
DNI Clapper Declassifies and Releases Telephone Metadata Collection Documents
Defunding FISA Business Records program risks dismantling important intelligence tool
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Renews Authority to Collect Telephony Metadata
DNI Clapper Letter on Misunderstandings Arising from his March 12th Appearance Before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
ODNI Statement on the Limits of Surveillance Activities
Statement from the ODNI Spokesperson on the Latest Report from The Guardian
DNI Statement on the Collection of Intelligence Pursuant to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Facts on the Collection of Intelligence Pursuant to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
DNI Statement on Activities Authorized Under Section 702 of FISA
DNI Statement on Recent Unauthorized Disclosures of Classified Information
American Bar Association, 23rd Annual Review of the Field of National Security Law, Executive Updates on Developments in National Security Law, Panel: Privacy, Technology and National Security: An Overview of Intelligence Collection
Privacy, Technology & National Security: An Overview of Intelligence Collection by Robert S. Litt, ODNI General Counsel
Transcript: Newseum Special Program - NSA Surveillance Leaks: Facts and Fiction
Director James R. Clapper Interview With Andrea Mitchell
Remarks as delivered by James R. Clapper Director of National Intelligence, Open Hearing on Continued Oversight of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Remarks as delivered by James R. Clapper, Director of National Intelligence at an Open Hearing on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Authorities
Hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, Opening Statement of Mr. Robert S. Litt, General Counsel, ODNI
Semi-Annual Assessment of Compliance with the Procedures and Guidelines Issued Pursuant to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Submitted by the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence
DNI Letter to House and Senate Leaders with FISA Amendments Act 2012 Legislative Proposal
Joint Letter from DNI Clapper and Attorney General Eric Holder Urging Reauthorization of Title VII of the FAA
May 2010 Final Release of Semi-Annual FISA Compliance Assessment with Exemptions
December 2009 Final Release of Semi-Annual FISA Compliance Assessment with Exemptions
March 2009 Final Release of Semi-Annual FISA Compliance Assessment with Exemptions
Department of Justice Releases Documents on Pen Registers and Trap and Trace Applications to the FISC
Joint Statement by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Attorney General Eric Holder on the Declassification of Additional Documents Regarding Collection Under Section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
FISC Approves Government’s Request to Modify Telephony Metadata Program
DNI Clapper Declassifies Additional Documents Regarding Collection Under Section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Readout of the IC Leadership’s Meeting with the President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Approves Government’s Application to Renew Telephony Metadata
National Counterterrorism Center Guidelines
Civil Liberties and Privacy Protections Incorporated Into Updated NCTC Guidelines
Overview of NCTC’s Data Access as Authorized by the 2012 Attorney General Guidelines
NCTC’s Annual Report on the Access, Retention, Use and Dissemination of United States Person Information For the Period March 23, 2012 through March 31, 2013
Memorandum of Agreement Between the Department of Homeland Security and the National Counterterrorism Center Regarding Advance Passenger Information System Data
Privacy Documents
Federal Register, Vol. 75, No. 181 (9/20/2010), pages 57163-57167
Privacy Act Regulations
Implementation of ISE Privacy Guidelines for Sharing Protected Information
Systems of Records Notices
Federal Register, Vol. 72, No. 248 (12/28/2007), pages 73887-73898
Federal Register, Vol. 72, No. 248 (12/28/2007), pages 73899-73904
Federal Register, Vol. 75, No. 63 (4/2/2010), pages 16853-16868
Federal Register, Vol. 76, No. 138 (7/19/2011), pages 42737-42750
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (Public Law 110 of June 20
National Security Agency Act of 1959
National Imagery and Mapping Agency Act of 1996
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (for ODNI)
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (for FBI)
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (for DHS)
Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007
Civil Liberties and Privacy Information Paper: Description of Civil Liberties and Privacy Protections Incorporated in the 2008 Revision of Executive Order 12333, Office of the Director of National Intelligence/Civil Liberties and Privacy Office, August 2008
Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007
Homeland Security Act of 2002
Homeland Security Act of 2002 Overview