Social Network Analysis Case Studies

Orgnet has experience in over 500 diverse consulting projects applying social network analysis [SNA] and organizational network analysis [ONA]. We have worked with large, medium, and small businesses, governments, universities, not-for-profits and their funders, and many consulting firms.

Organizations, Projects, & Teams
Human Capital + Social Capital = [PDF]
Managing the 21st Century Organization [PDF]
Networks of Adaptive/Agile Organizations [PDF]
Human Relationships & Organizational Performance [PDF]
Best Practice: Organizational Network Mapping [PDF]
Discovering Communities of Practice [Read...]
Data-Mining E-mail [Read...]
Finding Leaders on your Team [Read...]
Post-Merger Integration [Read...]
SMEs and Go-To People via Expert Finder [Read...]
Innovation happens at the Intersections [Read...]
Partnerships and Alliances in Industry [Read...]
Decision-Making in Organizations [Read...]
New Organizational Structures [Read...]

Local Communities
Network Mapping and Network Weaving [Blog...]
Building Local Economic Networks [PDF]
SNA supports Economic Justice [Read...]

Influence, Diffusion & Contagion
Social Networking in Academia [Read...]
Contact Tracing and the Spread of Disease [Read...]
Co-Authorship Networks [Read...]
Key Opinion Leaders [Read...]

Politics & Power
Social Networks and Voting [PDF]
Lobbying and Influence in Government [Read...]
Interactive Network Map of the Mideast [Read...]
Knowledge exchange amongst EU countries [Read...]
Russia v. Ukraine - Pipeline Politics & Power [Read...]
Understanding Power in Networks [PDF]
Political Book Networks [Read...]

Covert Networks
Uncloaking Terrorist Networks [Read...]
Connecting the Dots - Tracking Terrorists [Read...]
Network Map of the 9/11 Terrorist Network [Read...]
Uncovering Economic Conspiracies [Read...]
Baseball's Steroid Network [Read...]
Mortgage Fraud Network [Read...]

Esther Dyson's Release 1.0 [PDF]
On-line Social Networks & Communities [Read...]
Interactive Twitter Social Graph [Browse...]
Computer Networks as Social Networks [PDF]
Visualizing Amazon Data [Read...]